

The SF locker size :

30x25x20 cm 

在 kbuy 網頁或 apps 下單選擇智能櫃作派送方式,可在系統集運追蹤查詢順便智能櫃運單號及運單的軌跡.

想查詢更精確流程請下載順便智能櫃的apps ,隨時追蹤貨物進度.

 Place an order on the kbuy webpage or apps to select the SF Lockers as the delivery method, and you

 can find  the SF Lockers  waybill number and track the status of the shipment.  If you want to find a more

 ogistics status, download the apps of the SF Lockers and track the status of the shipment any time.

locker app downloan.jpg  

寄方地址收件地址為青衣中轉, 但當填寫寄方地址, 其須為你們倉地址, 因為萬一遇到退回, 也是會退回到此地址 (退回費用另外報價)
托寄物類型限制請參考香港同城禁寄品原則 (https://www.sf-express.com/HK/tc/dynamic_function/accept/),以下9類物品禁止托寄

(1)     易燃性

(2)     易爆性

(3)     腐蝕性

(4)     有毒性

(5)     放射性

(6)     侵權性

(7)     生物性

(8)     保濕保溫食物

(9)     法例管制 (如現金、毒品)

重量限制15kg內 / 票
包裝標準-      客戶自有包裝 或 順豐標準包材

-      客戶需自行印單及包裝










1.1 順便提供不同的自助取件及自助寄件服務方案(詳情請參閲附件),順便會根據需求向閣下提供相應






1.2 閣下可通過訂單管理系統向順便提交配送、代收運費服務及/或代收貨款服務需求(服務)。順便



2.1 閣下須於訂單管理系統内向順便提供準確有效的下單資料,包括但不限於每件包裹有關資料,包括閣



2.2 順便僅授予閣下在順便有限及非專用的使用,閣下不可轉讓訂單管理系統的使用權或帳戶予任何第三




2.3 閣下不得︰

2.3.1 試圖以任何形式影響及損害服務或訂單管理系統的正常運作;

2.3.2 出售、轉售、轉移、分撥、許可任何第三方利用其帳戶;

2.3.3 修改或創建服務或創建訂單管理系統的衍生產品;

2.3.4 建立互聯網連接至服務或嵌入仿製” 訂單管理系統到任何其他伺服器或無線或互


2.3.5 進行逆向工程或使用訂單管理系統以︰ 設計或創建一個競爭性的產品或服務; 設計或創建一個概念特性功能圖案相關的服務或訂單管理系統相

似的產品; 複製服務或訂單管理系統內的任何內容,包括概念特性功能圖案 啟動一個自動程式或指令碼,包括但不限於網絡蜘蛛、網絡爬蟲、網路機械人、網路螞蟻、

 網頁索引器、機械人程式,病毒或電腦蠕蟲,或任何可以每秒發出多個伺服器請求或過度 負擔或阻礙有關服務

2.4 閣下使用服務時,閣下、其僱員、工作人員、其代理人及/或分判商(包括但不限於其僱員、工作人員、


2.4.1 不會從事任何非法活動;

2.4.2 不會對順便的商譽造成不良或負面的影響;

2.4.3 不會對智能櫃造成、導致或允許其造成任何損壞;

2.4.4 不會侵犯順便的知識產權;

2.4.5 不會造成、導致或允許於智能櫃內外或附近範圍做出擾攘、煩擾或令人反感的行為從而影響智能


2.4.6 不會從事任何違反適用法例的行爲。

2.5 閣下同意如發現智能櫃有任何損壞及/或故障,須立即通知順便,順便將盡快安排及完成所需維修工作。

 順便不須就任何維修工作直接或間接導致延遲發還包裹或收件人自取而負上任何責任。閣下同意順便 將不會基
於任何原因對延遲發還閣下的包裹或收件人自取而承擔任何責任,當中包括但不限於智能櫃 發生故障、智能櫃運

2.6 閣下同意任何一台智能櫃上的格口供應量會視乎商業需求及實際使用量而不時有變更。對於合適的格

 口供應量,順便一概不作出任何明示或默示的聲明、陳述或保證。順便亦不會因智能櫃上的格口供應 量影響派送

2.7 閣下同意順便可不時將所提供的服務外判 (當中包括但不限於速遞服務)予任何第三方代理人、代表或

 承包商而不用事先徵求閣下同意。順便不會對於該等代理人、代表或承包商的作為、不作為、疏忽、 欺詐或違約
承擔任何責任。閣下同意不會因此而向順便追究任何責任。如有需要順便將會提供有關第 三方代理人、代表或承

2.8 閣下須自行確保包裹包裝的完整性及安全性,保證包裹必須安全地及完整地包裝、封入於及/或盛載於

 不透明膠袋或紙箱內,包裝必須符合《包裝操作指引》中之要求。如包裹的包裝未能符合要求,順便 會將該包裹
以速遞服務送回順便倉庫,閣下承諾承擔所有由此衍生之費用;順便應向閣下取得有關如 何處置該包裹的指示,
閣下須在收到順便通知起計 3 個工作天內向順便發出有關指示,否則順便有絕 對的酌情權:

2.8.1 以速遞服務(順便會使用由順豐速運(香港)有限公司所提供的標準快遞到付服務)將該包裹直接退


2.8.2 視閣下完全地及絕對地放棄該包裹的所有權利(包括擁有權),並同意順便有權出售、棄置、銷毀





2.9 閣下同意包裹或會按順便的意見或因應政府部門的要求而被開封查驗,但順便應事先通知閣下包裹因



2.10 客人同意包裹的大小、尺寸必須嚴格符合《智能櫃格口尺寸》中列明的規格,否則順便有權向閣下收


2.11 閣下同意包裹必須是適合投放於智能櫃內;惟以下物品則視為不允:

2.11.1 由相關政府部門或組織所規定的違法物品、有害物品、危險物品、禁運物品或限運物品;

2.11.2 順便認為不合法之物品 (包括但不限於動物或其部份及屍骸、槍械及其零附件、彈藥、爆炸品、


2.11.3 順便認為不安全之物品 (包括但不限於冷凍物品、易碎品、易碎食品、玻璃、陶瓷、石膏、水晶、



2.11.4 順便認為散發異味而影響智能櫃所在處的業主、租客或鄰近人士的。

2.12 閣下同意順便有權移走及棄置任何抵觸上述第 2.11 條的包裹。閣下同意順便不會因此及因爲包裹的任

何損毀而向閣下作出任何賠償。如因閣下不遵守第 2 條的任何規定而導致順便有任何損失或損害,閣



3.1 就順便向閣下提供之服務,閣下須向順便支付相關服務費(包括但不限於服務費、速遞費、代收運費



3.2 閣下可在任何時候在順便成功派送包裹到智能櫃後要求順便改派到另外一個智能櫃,順便有權向閣下


3.3 閣下有責任提醒收件人於包裹成功投放指定智能櫃 48 小時內到該智能櫃自取包裹,如因閣下及/或收

件人引致的原因導致包裹滯留於該智能櫃內超出 48 小時,順便有絕對酌情權:

3.3.1 再次將包裹投放入智能櫃作爲再次派送操作;

3.3.2 將該包裹送回順便倉庫;

3.3.3 使用其選擇的托運供應商以到付方式,將該包裹直接退回至由閣下所提供的香港地址 ; /

3.3.4 視閣下完全地及絕對地放棄該包裹的所有權利(包括擁有權),並同意順便有權出售、棄置、銷毀





 3.3 條引起的所有有關費用。


4.1 閣下可於訂單管理系統選擇不同的結算方式繳交服務費,明細如下:

4.1.1 如閣下選擇「服務費寄付月結」方式,順便將於每月第 15 日或之前向閣下發出上一個公曆月的


4.1.2 如閣下選擇「服務費寄付現結」方式,有關服務費將會由閣下於寄件時即時繳清。「服務費寄付


4.2 閣下有責任於訂單管理系統內選擇正確的付款方式,一經選定後將不能更改,順便亦不會因閣下錯誤


4.3 如閣下選擇代收運費服務及/或代收貨款服務,有關代收運費服務費及/或代收貨款服務費將顯示在月




款項,其回款會於閣下電郵或郵寄書面確認有關款項後 10 個工作天內寄出支票或存入閣下所提供的


4.4 閣下承諾並同意,順便有權於閣下電郵或郵寄書面確認有關款項後 10 個工作天內代閣下安排直接退

 回代收運費及/或代收貨款予收件人。閣下承諾閣下須承擔由此產生並與之相關的任何費用,包括相關 退款手續費。
順便會電郵或郵寄書面通知閣下有關退款事宜並於其後 10 個工作天內寄出更新月結單 及支票或存入收件人的銀行賬

4.5 閣下承諾並同意,閣下須妥善處理所有第 4.4 條以外的退款事宜,以達致順便不受任何損失。閣下同

 意順便有絕對權力保留所有應退的代收運費及/或代收貨款直至順便滿意閣下妥善處理所有第 4.4 條以 外的退款
事宜。此外,閣下須對順便(和其所有高級職員、董事、僱員和關聯公司)因此而遭受的任何 損失或損害作出彌償。

4.7 如閣下未有在月結單發出日 7 個工作天內以電郵或郵寄書面方式通知順便,閣下即表示對月結單無任


4.8 如閣下對月結單中任何部分的服務費提出異議,閣下應當提供證據予順便,以便雙方解決該異議部分。


4.9 如果閣下未能在月結單上付款日期或之前繳清所有應繳款項:

4.9.1 順便有權對所有逾期未繳款項按每月 2 % 的利率收取利息,該利息從到期日起計算,直到實際


4.9.2 順便有權停止提止服務,並就順便因閣下未能支付任何服務費用而遭受的任何損失或損害向閣下

4 版本 V1.0.0

最後更新日期:2018  3  12 


4.9.3 閣下對順便因追討逾期未繳款項而產生的任何及一切合理費用作出彌償,包括但不限於訴訟費用


4.10 如閣下拖欠款項逾期超過 20 天,順便有權立即停止該月結戶口一切運作,安排註銷閣下的月結戶口。


4.11 順便保留一切循法律途徑追究及追討欠款及/或索償的權利。在不受限以上條款的前提下,順便有權聘



4.12 閣下根據本協議應付的所有款項的付款時間均是關鍵要素。

4.13 順便對包裹享有一般留置權,順便在通知閣下後可以行使酌情權作為包裹所有人的代理人銷售該等包



5.1 除本條款其他部分對順便的責任另有規定外,包裹應當完全在閣下獨自承擔風險的情況下保管及/

運輸。受限於第 5.2 條,若包裹及/或其內容在順便保管期間出現任何遺失或損壞,賠償金額將以涉及

該包裹的速遞費的 3 倍或根據該包裹的申報價值按損壞比例計算,以較低者作最終賠償金額。如包裹

不符合第 5.4  5.5 條之規定,閣下同意順便不須承擔包裹及/或其內容遺失或損壞的任何責任。所有




5.2 除第 4.4 條另有規定外,順便只受理由閣下向順便所提出的索償,而閣下必須在有關包裹遺失或損壞

當天,或發現遺失或損壞當天(以較早者為準)14 天內以電郵或郵寄方式通知順便;閣下須提供 (包括




收據及順便運單號等資料後 7 個工作天內以電郵或郵寄書面通知閣下。閣下需於 10 天內回覆順便發


5.3 有關包裹之賠償金額會於閣下每月之月結單顯示,如閣下最終須需支付之服務費多於有關包裹之賠償


電郵或郵寄書面確認有關款項後 10 個工作天內寄出支票或存入閣下所提供的銀行賬戶。

5.4 閣下承諾提醒收件人所有閣下與收件人之間的爭議與順便無關,收件人不會向順便索賠,不論是否涉



5.5 除包裹於順便派送期間有所損壞外,已獲得賠償的包裹,其相應的索賠權利在理賠後即按比例轉移至


5.6 如閣下及/或收件人於順便官方網站憑順便運單號自行追蹤包裹狀況時,發現包裹於順便收件後,最後

顯示之狀況於 2 個工作天後未有任何更新,即可正式向順便提出搜查要求。順便會盡最大努力調查包

裹去向。如包裹於提出搜查要求 7 個工作天後仍未被尋回,即當作遺失包裹件處理。

5.7 順便不對閣下或任何其他人承擔以下責任:(I) 利潤損失、使用損失、資料損失、商譽損失,或 (II) 




6.1 閣下須對順便 (和其所有高級職員、董事、僱員和關聯公司由於或就下列情況在任何時候遭受、發



6.1.1 閣下、其僱員、工作人員、其代理人及/或分判商(包括但不限於其僱員、工作人員、其代理人及/




7.1 在下列任何一種情況下,順便可以通過發出電郵或郵寄書面通知閣下並立即終止提供服務:

7.1.1 閣下違反本條款;

7.1.2 閣下轉讓其於本條款下的權益但沒有順便的書面同意;

7.1.3 閣下舉行債權人會議或與債權人或為了債權人的利益提出或達成任何債務償還安排、延期償付或


7.1.4 閣下(包括但不限於)無償債能力、被清盤、停止營業、申請破產、被宣佈破產、轉讓對其債權


7.1.5 閣下委託予順便的包裹包含任何違反香港法例的物品或第 2.11 條列明的物品;

7.1.6 閣下通過使用任何服務而作出任何違法行為;

7.1.7 在順便的絕對酌情權下認為任何損害順便聲譽之行為;

7.1.8 如閣下於一個月內提出之包裹索償要求數量多於其當月總票數的千分之一;或

7.1.9 在順便的絕對酌情權下認爲合適的情況。

7.2 在服務終止(不論任何原因)後,順便有權安排註銷閣下的月結戶口。

7.3 在服務終止(不論任何原因)後,閣下須於月結單發出後 30 天內以銀行轉賬方式繳清所有應繳款項,否


7.3.1 順便有權對所有逾期未繳款項按每月 2 % 的利率收取利息,該利息從到期日起計算,直到實際


7.3.2 順便有權因閣下未能支付服務費而遭受的任何損失或損害向閣下索賠;及

7.3.3 閣下須對順便因追討逾期未繳款項而產生的任何及一切合理費用作出彌償,包括但不限於訴訟費



8.1 凡因服務所引起的或與之相關的任何爭議、糾紛、分歧或索賠,包括協議的存在、效力、解釋、履行、違反



9.1 閣下同意在與順便申請使用服務並建立訂單管理系統帳戶時,順便會按需要要求閣下提供證明閣下身份之個

人資料文件,並按 9.2 條的内容維護有關資料。

9.2 在任何時候閣下均須盡最大努力把其可能獲得順便與其業務和事務相關的任何保密信息予以保密(並






9.3 雙方均須盡最大努力遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》所有規定。閣下應取得收件人的同意,提供其個人



9.4 在不損害本條款内任何其他條款的原則下,任何一方須就以下情況所引致或招致的對方的任何及全部




9.4.1 任何一方或其任何僱員、代理人或次承判商違反保密義務(不論是本協議或一般法律的保密義


9.4.2 對受《個人資料(私隱)條例》所規限的個人資料所提出的任何訴訟或申索,而有關訴訟及/

 申索是在履行本協議時因任何一方或其任何僱員、代理人或次承判商的疏忽、作為或不作為而引 起的;以及

9.4.3 任何一方或其任何僱員、代理人或次承判商的疏忽、作為或不作為違反了《非應邀電子訊息條例》

 (香港法例第 593 章)。

10 知識產權

10.1 閣下同意不得導致或允許任何可能損害或危害順便的知識產權或順便對該知識產權的所有權。

10.2 閣下確認,順便對其知識產權擁有所有權,除履行其在本條款項下的義務外,或除順便事先書面批准


11 其他條款

11.1 在任何情況下,順便將不會視為閣下的代理或合作夥伴,更加不構成任何僱傭關係、代理人或合夥人




11.2 順便將不承擔對於超出順便控制範圍的原因而導致的損失或損害。這些原因包括但不限於:自然災害;




11.3 本條款內的每一項條款規定,應理解為獨立於其他條款規定;如本條款的任何條款、規定、或本協議




11.4 未能或延誤行使本條款下任何條款亦不會構成對該條款的棄權。只有用書面形式提出棄權且經雙方簽



11.5 為免生疑問,本條款僅為合約雙方利益而立,並不創造或賦予第三方任何利益。由《合約(第三者權

利)條例》(香港法例第 623 章)授予第三方行使本協議權利的條文之適用性在此明確豁除。順便及


11.6 順便對本條款的内容有最終解釋權。



1. 閣下需於順便智能櫃訂單管理系統(“訂單管理系統”) 下發訂單,列明每件包裹有關資料,包括閣下公司名



2. 閣下需自行包裝包裹、列印運單及附上相應運單於包裹上。

3. 閣下需自行將包裹於指定時間送往順便倉庫。負責送貨司機必需跟隨在場之倉務員指示,並妥善完成交接


4. 順便倉庫收貨時間為星期一至星期六,早上 10 時至下午 6 時。星期日及公眾假期順便倉庫並不開放。

5. 方案二的速遞服務按最終使用的格口收費。收費以每一次順便成功投遞快件到智能櫃內,收費將以一次作


6. 服務費用已包括包裹送件人的服務費用及順便須收取的費用。

7. 方案二的運輸時間為順便倉庫收件後 2 個工作天。

8. 方案二的使用時限為 48 小時,送件人所需的運送時間不算在內。如終端閣下未能於使用時限內取出包裹,

順便將在之後 24 小時內把未認領的包裹從智能櫃中取出,並將該包裹送回順便倉庫,而不作任何事前通知。


9. 閣下同意順便可指派任何第三方提供收派服務。

10. 順便有權拒收及拒派任何包裹如運單上信息不全,及申報價值超過港幣 500 元的包裹。

11. 如順便認為包裹不可運送,包括但不限於包裹包裝不符合第 4 條及 5 條的指引,順便可自行決定拒收及拒


12. 順便將以合理努力將包裹在指定時間內送至順便智能櫃,此情況包括但不限於智能櫃格口已滿、櫃機異常、



13. 不論任何理由,如閣下的包裹未能送達智能櫃,順便將按其內部程序,將包裹送回閣下,而閣下須承擔所


14. 順便保留權利隨時更改方案二的詳情,並將在 7 天前向閣下發出電郵或郵寄書面通知。


1. 閣下需於順便智能櫃訂單管理系統(“訂單管理系統”) 下發訂單,列明每件包裹有關資料,包括閣下公司名



2. 閣下需自行包裝包裹、列印運單及附上相應運單於包裹上。

3. 閣下必須於當日上午九時前向順便提出要求上門收貨服務,以便安排速遞到閣下指定的地址收集須派送之


4. 上門收貨服務時間為星期一至六上午 10 時至下午 3 時,星期日及公眾假期不設此服務。

5. 如閣下要求收貨服務後,沒有於當天上午九時前取消、或沒按上述第 4 條及 5 條準備包裹、或閣下少於 10

件相對應下單帳號的包裹給予順便收取,閣下需承擔港幣 150 元的行政費用。

6. 方案三的速遞服務按最終使用的格口收費。收費以每一次順便成功投遞快件到智能櫃內,收費將以一次作


7. 方案三的運輸時間為收集包裹後 2 個工作天。

8. 方案三的使用時限為 48 小時,送件人所需的運送時間不算在內。如終端閣下未能於使用時限內取出包裹,

順便將在之後 24 小時內把未認領的包裹從智能櫃中拿走,並將該包裹送回順便倉庫,而不作任何事前通知。


9. 順便有權拒收及拒派任何包裹如運單上信息不全,及申報價值超過港幣 500 元的包裹。

10. 如順便認為包裹不可運送,包括但不限於包裹不符合第 4  5 條的指引,順便可自行決定拒收及拒派任何


11. 順便將以合理努力將包裹在指定時間內送至順便智能櫃,此情況包括但不限於智能櫃格口已滿、櫃機異常、



12. 不論任何理由,如閣下的包裹未能送達智能櫃,順便將按其內部程序,將包裹送回閣下,而閣下須承擔所


13. 順便保留權利隨時更改方案三的詳情,並將在 7 日前向閣下發出電郵或郵寄書面通知。

版本 V1.0.0

最後更新日期:2018  3  12 

English vehison

Consignment, parent-child parcel restriction, no parent-child parcel

Sender address The recipient address is Tsing Yi Transit, but when you fill in the sender address, it must be your warehouse address, because in case of a return, it will also be returned to this address (return fees are quoted separately)

Please refer to the principle of prohibited items in the same city in Hong Kong (https://www.sf-express.com/HK/tc/dynamic_function/accept/) for restrictions on types of consignments. The following 9 categories of items are prohibited from consignment

(1) Flammability (2) Explosiveness (3) Corrosion

(4) Toxic (5) Radioactive (6) Infringing

(7) Biological (8) Moisturizing and heat preservation food (9) Legal control (e.g. cash, drugs)

Weight limit within 15kg / ticket

Packaging Standard-Customer-owned packaging or SF standard packaging materials


-Customers need to print and package their own orders

SF Express does not inspect the inner packaging of the express, so no matter what kind of packaging material is used, the customer must sign the [deductible agreement]

Freight pricing charges fixed freight based on the sum of length, width and height

Payment method Prepaid freight only

Value-added services COD collection not applicable

Signed back (POD)

Insured Service (SSP)

Delivery time limit T+2-3

All compensation please refer to the SF Lockers by the way as the basisBy the way Smart Cabinet Co., Ltd.

Terms and Conditions of Service

Welcome to use the services of Shunbian Smart Cabinet Co., Ltd.By the way, the smart cabinet service refers

 to the self-service electronic SF Lockers provided by the Shunbian SF Lockers Co., Ltd. ("by the way").

The self-service pickup and self-service delivery provided.You should read this "Terms and Conditions of Service" 

(hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") before using the SF Lockers service, and you will continue to use the

 "Terms and Conditions" after the issuance of these terms.

Using the SF Lockers service means that you agree and promise to abide by these terms.

1 Scope of service

1.1 By the way, we provide different self-service pickup and self-service delivery service plans

 (please refer to the attachment for details). By the way, we will provide you with corresponding

 services according to your needs.Service. By the way, we reserve the right to modify, change, 

suspend or terminate any service provided by the way at any time, change its service details and services

Rights (including but not limited to the possibility of any function or content), and send notifications,

 announcements, terms and conditions (including but not limited to Limited to updates). These notices

 and the updated terms from time to time will take effect immediately after the email is sent and are

 binding on you. You are responsible for detailsRead all the terms (including but not limited to updates) 

contained in the e-mail sent to you by the way and check with the way if necessary. By the way will grant you

The right to use the order management system for personalized, limited functions and services without 

any notice or responsibility.

1.2 You can submit delivery, freight collection services and/or payment collection service requirements 

("Services") by the way through the order management system. By the wayYou will be charged a service

 fee based on the service you choose or use.

2 Your promise and guarantee

2.1 You must provide accurate and effective order information in the order management system, including but

     not limited to the relevant information of each package, includingCompany name, shipping date, payment 

    method, package content message, recipient's name, recipient's mobile phone number, selected ATM

Address and point code and related money in order to provide services based on the information by the way.

2.2 By the way, you are only granted limited and non-exclusive use by the way, and you cannot transfer the

      right to use the order management system or your account to any third party Fang (except your employees),

         you can only use the order management system for personal use. You should take care of the order 

      provided by the way Only manage the system account password, you are responsible for all the costs and 

         indemnities incurred in your account for all damages caused by the way,Including any third party authorized 

    by you or caused by you to any third party unauthorized use of its account.

2.3 You must not:

2.3.1 Attempt to influence and damage the normal operation of the service or order management system in any way;

2.3.2 Sell, resell, transfer, distribute, and permit any third party to use its account;

2.3.3 Modify or create services or create derivative products of the order management system;

2.3.4 Establish an Internet "connection" to the service or "embed" or "fake" the order management system

  to any other server or wireless or mutual On networked devices;

2.3.5 Perform reverse engineering or use an order management system t Design or create a competitive product or service; Design or create a service or order management system related to "concept", "feature", "function" or "pattern"

Similar products Copy any content in the service or order management system, including "concepts", "features",

 "functions" or "patterns"; or Start an automatic program or script, including but not limited to web spiders, web crawlers, 

  web robots, web ants,

 Web indexers, robot programs, viruses or computer worms, or anything that can issue multiple 

server requests per second or overburden or hinder related services

Or the operation and/or execution of the order management system.

2.4 When you use the service, you, their employees, staff, their agents

 and/or subcontractors (including but not limited to their employees, staff,

 Its agent and/or subcontractor) shall promise and guarantee:

2.4.1 Will not engage in any illegal activities;

2.4.2 Will not cause adverse or negative effects on the goodwill by the way;

2.4.3 Will not cause, cause or allow any damage to the smart cabinet;

2.4.4 Will not infringe on the way intellectual property rights;

2.4.5 Will not cause, cause or allow disturbing, annoying or offensive behavior in or near

 the smart cabinet to affect intelligence The landlord, tenant or neighbors where the locker is located; and

2.4.6 Will not engage in any behavior that violates applicable laws.

2.5 You agree that if you find any damage and/or malfunction of the smart cabinet, you must 

notify it immediately. By the way, you will arrange and complete the required repair work as soon as possible.

 By the way, there is no need to bear any responsibility for any repair work that directly or indirectly 

causes the delay in returning the package or the recipient's self-collection. You agree that by the way

 will not be basedTake any responsibility for the delayed return of your package or the recipient’s self-collection 

for any reason, including but not limited to the failure of the smart cabinet, the smart cabinet shipment

It is affected by a power outage, the smart cabinet is relocated, or the passage to the smart cabinet is

 blocked or interrupted.

2.6 You agree that the supply of grid ports on any smart cabinet will change from time to time depending

 on business needs and actual usage. For the right grid By the way, no statements, representations or 

guarantees, express or implied, are made. By the way, the delivery will not be affected by the supply of grids

 on the smart cabinet Any compensation for delays caused by the statute of limitations.

2.7 You agree that Shun may from time to time outsource the services provided (including but not limited to

 courier services) to any third-party agent, representative or The contractor does not need to seek your 

consent in advance. By the way, no action, omission, negligence, fraud or breach of contract by such

 agents, representatives or contractors

Take any responsibility. You agree that you will not be held accountable by the way. If necessary, the 

relevant third-party agent, representative or contractor will be provided by the way.

Contact information of the contractor to you.

2.8 You must ensure the integrity and safety of the package, and ensure that the package must be safely

 and completely packaged, enclosed in and/or contained in In opaque plastic bags or cartons, the packaging 

must meet the requirements in the "Packaging Operation Guidelines". If the package of the package fails to 

meet the requirements, by the way, the package will be .If you send it back to Shunbian warehouse by courier

 service, you promise to bear all the expenses incurred therefrom; by the way, you should obtain instructions

 on how to dispose of the package.You must give instructions to the incident within 3 working days from the

 receipt of the incident notice, otherwise you have absolute discretion:

2.8.1 By express service (by the way, the standard express delivery service provided by SF Express

 (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. will be used) to return the package directly Return to the Hong Kong address provided

 by you. You undertake to bear all expenses incurred therefrom; and/or 

2.8.2 You are deemed to give up all rights (including ownership) of the package completely and absolutely, 

and agree to have the right to sell, discard, and destroy by the wayAnd/or dispose of the package in any othe

r way. You agree that you will not be held accountable by the way for this, and promise to bear all.The expenses 

derived therefrom. Any proceeds from the sale of the package will be used to repay your default debts by the way,

 and will not be used by the way Will be liable for any deficiency or reduced value arising from the sale of the 

package, and you should not relieve you of any inconveniences due to this responsibility.

2.9 You agree that the package may be opened and inspected according to your opinion or at the request 

of the government department, but by the way, you should inform you of the package in advance.

What reasons need to be opened for inspection. By the way, you will not be liable for any direct or

 indirect loss or damage or delay in performance for your package.

And other responsibilities. You agree that you will not be held accountable by the way.

2.10 The customer agrees that the size and dimensions of the parcel must strictly comply with the 

specifications listed in the "Smart Cabinet Opening Size", otherwise the customer has the right to 

receive it from you by the way.Take additional costs and/or seek compensation from you (if any). 

You promise to bear all the expenses 

incurred therefrom.

2.11 You agree that the package must be suitable to be placed in the smart cabinet; however,

   the following items will be considered unacceptable:

2.11.1 Illegal, hazardous, dangerous, prohibited or restricted items specified by relevant

   government departments or organizations;

2.11.2 Items deemed illegal by the way (including but not limited to animals or their parts and carcasses, 

firearms and their parts and accessories, ammunition, explosives,Flammable materials, corrosive materials,

 human body parts or corpses, pornographic materials or illegal narcotic drugs/narcotics);

2.11.3 Items deemed unsafe by the way (including but not limited to frozen items, fragile items, fragile food, 

glass, ceramics, plaster, crystal,Jade products, handicrafts, fragile items, fresh items, perishable items, 

perishable items, liquids, non-compliantItems of the specifications listed in the "Mouth Size"); and

2.11.4 By the way, it is believed that the emission of peculiar smell affects the owner, tenant or

 neighbors where the smart cabinet is located.

2.12 You agree that by the way, you have the right to remove and discard any packages that conflict 

with Article 2.11 above. You agree that by the way, you will not be Any damages will be made to you. 

If there is any loss or damage caused by your failure to comply with any of the provisions of Article 2, the

You must bear all responsibilities and compensate for all losses or damages by the way.

3 Charges, additional charges and handling of unclaimed parcels

3.1 For the services provided to you by the way, you must pay the relevant service fees (including but not

   imited to service fees, courier fees, and collection of freight Service fee, service fee for collection of goods 

   and other related fees (such as refund handling fee and other freight), the service fee is put into the SF locker

   by the package.The frequency is the standard, and all the fees you need to pay are subject to the bill

   issued to you by the way. 

3.2 You can request to transfer the package to another smart cabinet by the way after successfully sending

   the package to the smart cabinet at any time, and you have the right to transfer to you by the way.Charge

 additional fees.

3.3 You are responsible for reminding the recipient to pick up the parcel from the designated smart locker 

within 48 hours after the parcel is successfully placed in the designated smart locker.

The person who caused the package to stay in the smart cabinet for more than 48 hours, by the way, 

has absolute discretion:

3.3.1 Put the package into the smart cabinet again as a re-delivery operation;

3.3.2 Send the package back to the warehouse by the way;

3.3.3 Use the shipping supplier of your choice to return the package directly to the Hong Kong

 address provided by you; and/or

3.3.4 You are deemed to give up all rights (including ownership) of the package completely and 

absolutely, and agree to have the right to sell, discard, and destroy by the way

And/or dispose of the package in any other way, but by the way, you should be notified 

in advance of the disposition. You agree not to And Xiangfan will be held accountable, and promise

 to bear all the expenses derived therefrom. Any proceeds from the sale of the package will be applied

In repaying your default debts, by the way, you will not be liable for any deficiency or reduced value

 arising from the sale of the package Regardless, you should not be relieved of any responsibility 

for the way. You understand and agree to bear All related expenses arising from Article


4 Payment and refund

4.1 You can choose different settlement methods to pay the service fee in the order management 

system. The details are as follows:

4.1.1 If you choose the "service fee payment monthly settlement" method, by the way, the last

 calendar month will be sent to you on or before the 15th day of each month.

For monthly statements, you must pay all service charges on or before the payment date specified on 

the monthly statement.

4.1.2 If you choose the "service fee pay-as-you-go" method, the relevant service fee will be 

paid immediately when you send the shipment. "Service fee delivery

The service fee incurred by "Current Settlement" will not be shown on the monthly statement.

4.2 You are responsible for choosing the correct payment method in the order management system. 

Once selected, it cannot be changed. By the way, it will not be due to your mistakes.

Option to bear any responsibility and compensation.

4.3 If you choose the freight collection service and/or the payment collection service, the relevant

freight collection service fee and/or the collection payment service fee will be displayed in the month

On the statement. The monthly statement will list all accounts receivable and the amount that must be

 returned to you for the collection service. If you have to pay the service fee (including

(Including freight collection service fee and/or collection payment service fee) more than the collection 

freight and/or collection payment will be displayed in the form of deductions

Show. If the service fee you have to pay (including the service fee for collection of freight and/or the

 service fee for collection of goods) is less than that of the collection of freight and/or collection of goods

Payment, the return will be sent to you within 10 working days after you email or mail the written 

confirmation of the paymentBank accounts.

4.4 You promise and agree that, by the way, you have the right to arrange a direct refund on your

 behalf within 10 working days after your email or postal confirmation of the payment Return the

 freight and/or collect the payment to the recipient. You promise that you will be responsible for

 any expenses incurred and related thereto, including related refund handling fees. By the way, we will 

email or post a written notification to you about the refund and send the updated monthly statement

 and cheque or deposit it into the recipient’s bank account within 10 working days.

Household. You agree that you will not be held accountable by the way.

4.5 You promise and agree that you must properly handle all refund matters other than Article 4.4,

 so as to avoid any loss by the way. Your Excellency  Yi Shun has the absolute right to retain all

 refundable freight and/or payment until it is satisfied that you have properly handled all refunds

 other than Article


Matters. In addition, you must indemnify the incident (and all its officers, directors, employees 

and affiliates) for any loss or damage suffered as a result.

4.7 If you fail to notify by email or post in writing within 7 working days of the issue date of the monthly

 statement, you mean that you have no responsibility for the monthly statement.

 Any objection also means that you waive any right to file an objection and pursue investigations in the future.

4.8 If you object to any part of the service fee in the monthly statement, you should provide evidence

 to facilitate the settlement of the objection.

In any case, you must not withhold the undisputed portion of the service fee.

4.9 If you fail to pay all dues on or before the payment date on the monthly statement:

4 Version V1.0.0

Last update date: March 12, 2018

Claim; and

4.9.3 You indemnify any and all reasonable expenses incurred in the recovery of overdue payments, including 

but not limited to litigation expensesOr other administrative expenses.

4.10 If your payment is overdue for more than 20 days, by the way, you have the right to immediately stop all

 operations of the monthly account and arrange to cancel your monthly account.

If your monthly account has been cancelled, by the way, you have the right to refuse to accept your application 

to open a monthly account again.

4.11 By the way, we reserve all rights to pursue and recover debts and/or claims through legal channels. Under 

the premise of not restricting the above terms, by the way, have the right to hire use any third or debt collection agency to recover any overdue payments. You must be reasonable for any 

and everything

The expenses shall be indemnified.

4.12 The time of payment for all payments you pay under this agreement is a key element.

4.13 By the way, enjoy the general right of lien on the parcels, and by the way, after notifying you, you can

 exercise your discretion as the agent of the parcel owner to sell such packages.

And use the proceeds to settle overdue payments and all expenses incurred by the sale.

5 Limitation of Liability

5.1 Except as otherwise stipulated in the other parts of this clause regarding the incidental responsibilities, the package 

shall be kept and/or completely at your sole risk

transport. Subject to Article 5.2, if the package and/or its contents are lost or damaged during the incidental storage period, 

the compensation amount will be

3 times the express delivery fee of the package or calculated based on the declared value of the package according to the

 damage ratio, whichever is lower as the final compensation amount. Like a package

If you do not comply with the provisions of Articles 5.4 and 5.5, you agree that by the way, you will not be liable for any

 loss or damage of the package and/or its contents. all

Compensation is limited to actual direct losses. By the way, it will not be responsible for any other special, indirect or

 joint derivative losses and damages.

Know whether there is a risk of loss or damage before or after accepting the package. If you think that this clause will 

not be sufficient to compensate your losses, you should

Be insured for the package, otherwise you will bear all risks of loss and damage.

5.2 Except as otherwise provided in Article 4.4, by the way, only the claims made by you to the by the way are subject to

 the reasons, and you must report the loss or damage of the parcel in question.

On the same day, or the day when the loss or damage is discovered (whichever is the earlier), notify by email or post by 

the way within 14 days; you must provide (including

And not limited to) the contents, photos, invoices or receipts and the waybill number of the lost or damaged package, 

otherwise the claim will not be accepted by the way

Compensation application. The declared value of the package should be based on a real and valid commercial invoice or

 receipt, and by the way, it has the sole and absolute right to decide.

The declared value must be accepted, inspected and verified, or rejected without giving reasons. By the way, you will receive

the above content, photos, invoices or

You will be notified in writing by email or post within 7 working days after the receipt and the waybill number and other   

information. You need to reply within 10 days

The relevant written notice is issued for confirmation, otherwise it shall be deemed that you have waived the right to seek 


5.3 The compensation amount for the package will be shown in your monthly statement. If you eventually have to pay more 

service fees than the compensation for the package

The amount will be displayed in the form of deductions. If the service fee you have to pay is less than the compensation

 amount of the package, the refund will be paid to you

Send a cheque or deposit to the bank account provided by you within 10 working days after confirming the payment in writing

 by email or post.

5.4 You promise to remind the recipient that all disputes between you and the recipient have nothing to do with the incident, 

and the recipient will not make a claim to the incident, regardless of whether it is involved or not.

And collect freight and/or collect payment. If the claimant is the recipient, you must bear all losses and expenses incurred by

 the way. By the way

The right to return and declare the damaged package, and the right to arrange the payment of the compensation amount after

 the return of the damaged package.

5.5 Except that the package was damaged during the incidental delivery, the corresponding claim rights of the package that 

has been compensated will be transferred to the package proportionally after the settlement of the claim.

By the way all, until you compensate all losses and expenses by the way.

5.6 If you and/or the recipient track the status of the package on the Shunbian official website with the Shuttle Waybill number,

 and find that the package is received by the way, the last

If the displayed status has not been updated after 2 working days, you can formally request a search by the way. By the way, 

I will try my best to investigate the package

Wrap where. If the package is not recovered 7 working days after the search request is made, it will be treated as a lost package.

5.7 By the way, you or any other person shall not be liable for the following: (I) loss of profit, loss of use, loss of data, loss of goodwill, or (II) loss of

Any incidental, indirect, special or secondary damages or all other losses or damages of similar nature, whether directly or indirectly due to consent or performance

Perform, imperfectly perform, fail to perform, or delay in performing any obligation, even if one party already understands that such damage may occur.

6 Indemnity

6.1 You must be responsible (and all its officers, directors, employees and affiliated companies) at any time due to or in relation to the following situations.

Any and all claims, demands, litigation, losses, damages, assessed amounts, charges, liabilities, expenses and expenses arising 

from or assessed

(Including but not limited to interest, fines and reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses) to indemnify and defend against 

such damages:

6.1.1 You, their employees, staff, their agents and/or subcontractors (including but not limited to their employees, staff, their

 agents and/or

(Or subcontractor) violates any agreement under this clause, violates any statement or guarantee of this clause, and fails to 

perform this clause in any way

Obligations under the money, or misconduct or omission or deliberate misconduct.

7 Termination of service

7.1 In any of the following cases, by the way, you can notify you in writing by email or post and immediately terminate the 


7.1.1 You violated these terms;

7.1.2 You have transferred your rights and interests under these terms without express written consent by the way;

7.1.3 You hold a creditor’s meeting or propose or enter into any debt repayment arrangements, deferred payment, or any

 debt repayment arrangements with or for the benefit of creditors.

Debt settlement agreement, or estate management order restricted;

7.1.4 You (including but not limited to) insolvency, liquidation, suspension of business, application for bankruptcy, declared 

bankruptcy, transfer of claims

Human rights

7.1.5 The package you entrusted by the way contains any items that violate the laws of Hong Kong or items listed in Article 


7.1.6 You commit any illegal act by using any service;

7.1.7 Under the absolute discretion of the incident, consider any behavior that damages the reputation of the incident;

7.1.8 If the number of parcel claims you file within a month is more than one-thousandth of your total votes in that month;


7.1.9 The circumstances deemed appropriate under the incidental absolute discretion.

7.2 After the service is terminated (for any reason), by the way, you have the right to arrange the cancellation of your monthly 


7.3 After the service is terminated (regardless of the reason), you must pay all dues by bank transfer within 30 days after the 

monthly statement is issued. No


7.3.1 By the way, it is entitled to charge interest on all overdue payments at a rate of 2% per month. The interest is calculated

 from the due date until the actual

Until the payment date;

7.3.2 By the way, we have the right to claim compensation from you for any loss or damage suffered due to your failure to pay 

the service fee; and

7.3.3 You must indemnify any and all reasonable costs incurred by the way in recovering overdue payments, including but not

 limited to litigation costs

Or other administrative expenses.

8 Applicable law and jurisdiction

8.1 Any dispute, dispute, disagreement or claim caused by or related to the service, including the existence, validity, i

nterpretation, performance, and violation of the agreement

Or terminate, subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.

9 Information Use Rights and Confidentiality

9.1 You agree that when applying for the service and creating an account in the order management system, you will be 

required to provide proof of your identity as needed.

Personnel data files, and maintain relevant data in accordance with the content of 9.2.

9.2 At all times, you must use your best efforts to keep confidential any confidential information that may be obtained by the

way in connection with your business and affairs (and

Urge its employees and agents to also keep the confidential information confidential), unless agreed by the way or according

 to a court of competent jurisdiction

Order, otherwise the information shall not be used or disclosed. Regarding the personal data regulated by the Personal Data

 (Privacy) Ordinance, both parties should

Destroy the personal data obtained from the other party after the expiry of the time limit permitted by applicable laws. For

 the receiving party not because it violated this clause to enter

Information in the public domain, or information required to be disclosed or related to it in accordance with the legal

procedures arising from this clause, can be exempted from confidentiality by both parties


9.3 Both parties must do their utmost to comply with all the provisions of the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance". You 

should obtain the recipient’s consent and provide their personal

Information to provide services by the way. Both parties shall take all necessary and reasonable steps and measures to ensure

 that the acquisition from the other party is handled in a lawful manner

he personal data, including but not limited to avoid unauthorized access, access, processing, deletion, modification, disclosure

 or destruction of such personal data.

9.4 Without prejudice to any other clauses in this clause, either party shall deal with any and all of the other party’s

Litigation, loss, damages, claims, payment requirements, expenses (including reasonable fees or expenses charged by lawyers, 

agents or expert witnesses)

Compensation), as well as the compensation or costs that may be agreed to be paid for the settlement of any inquiries or legal 

liabilities of any nature.

Indemnify, and fully and effectively make it indemnify:

9.4.1 Any party or any of its employees, agents or subcontractors breached the confidentiality obligation (whether it is the confidentiality of this agreement or general law).


9.4.2 Any litigation or claim against personal data subject to the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance", and the relevant litigation and/or

 The claim is caused by the negligence, act or omission of any party or any of its employees, agents or subcontractors in the

 performance of this agreement; and

9.4.3 The negligence, act or omission of any party or any of its employees, agents or subcontractors violated the "Unsolicited 

Electronic Messages Ordinance"

 (Chapter 593 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

10 Intellectual Property

10.1 You agree not to cause or allow any intellectual property rights that may damage or endanger the incidental or incidental 

ownership of such intellectual property rights.

10.2 You confirm that, by the way, you have the ownership of its intellectual property rights, in addition to fulfilling its 

obligations under this clause, or in addition to the prior written approval by the way

In addition, by the way, no license or rights are granted to you.

11 Other terms

11.1 In any case, by the way, it will not be regarded as your agent or partner, let alone any employment relationship, agent or


Relationship or joint venture plan. Unless expressly stipulated otherwise, you are not authorized to act in the meantime or on

 behalf of the incident, or to act on behalf of other parties.

Style constraints by the way. You cannot participate in any benefit and benefit plan in the name of an employee, or obtain

 any employee's legal protection or


11.2 By the way, we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by reasons beyond our control. These reasons include 

but are not limited to: natural disasters;

Force majeure; inherent defects or characteristics of the package (whether known by the way or not); riots or civil 


 non-incidental employees or non-incidental

Acts or omissions of contractual personnel, such as senders, recipients, third-party logistics, customs or other government 

departments; industrial firms

Movement; Electromagnetic damage or deletion of electronic audio-visual pictures, data or records.

11.3 Each clause in this clause should be understood as independent of other clauses; such as any clause, provision, or this


When all or part of any of the clauses is invalid and unenforceable for any individual, business, company or other situation

 by the court,

It does not affect the validity of the remaining terms, regulations, or other terms and conditions for any individual, business, 

company or other circumstances. Other terms and conditions

Certainly will be deemed to be still valid.

11.4 Failure or delay in exercising any of the terms under this clause will not constitute a waiver of this clause. Only waiver in

 writing and signed by both parties

Words, waiver is valid. A written waiver of a certain breach of contract cannot be used for any other similar breaches in the 


Use it again.

11.5 For the avoidance of doubt, this clause is only for the interests of both parties to the contract, and does not create or 

confer any benefits to third parties. From the "Contract (Third Party Rights)

The applicability of the provisions in the “Legislation” Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) that grants third 

parties to exercise the rights of this agreement is specifically excluded here. By the way and

Your right to terminate, revoke, modify, waive, change or solve problems does not require the consent of any third party.

11.6 By the way, the content of this clause has the final right of interpretation.

"Standard Operating Procedures and Price List"

Option II

1. You need to place an order in the smart cabinet order management system ("Order Management System") by the way, 

listing the relevant information of each package, including your company name

Name, shipping date, payment method, package content message, recipient's name, recipient's mobile phone number, 


counter address and point code, and

Related payments.

2. You need to pack the package yourself, print the waybill and attach the corresponding waybill to the package.

3. You need to send the parcel to the warehouse by the way at the specified time by yourself. The driver responsible for the 

delivery must follow the instructions of the warehouse clerk present and complete the handover properly

Package procedures, including but not limited to parking the car at the designated location, unloading the package to the 

esignated location, etc.

4. By the way, the warehouse receipt time is Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm. By the way, the warehouse is not open on 

Sundays and public holidays.

5. The courier service of Option 2 is charged according to the final use grid. The charge is based on each successful delivery 


the express parcel to the smart locker by the way, and the charge will be made once

Calculation. If necessary, please contact by the way to understand the price.

6. The service fee includes the service fee of the sender of the package and the fees that must be collected by the way.

7. The transportation time of Option 2 is 2 working days after receiving the package by the way.

8. The use time limit of Option 3 is 48 hours, and the delivery time required by the sender is not included. If the terminal fails


 take out the package within the usage time limit,

By the way, the unclaimed package will be removed from the smart locker within 24 hours, and the package will be returned


the Shunbian warehouse without any prior notice.

You must bear all related additional costs.

9. By the way, we have the right to refuse to accept and reject any parcels such as incomplete information on the waybill and

 parcels whose declared value exceeds HK$500.

10. If the package is deemed undeliverable by the way, including but not limited to the package that does not comply with the

 guidelines in Articles 4 and 5, you may decide to reject it and refuse to deliver any

package. You agree that by the way, you will not bear any responsibility for the refusal to receive and refuse to deliver the 

package for any reason.

11. By the way, we will use reasonable efforts to deliver the package to the smart cabinet within the specified time. This 

situation includes, but is not limited to, the slot of the smart cabinet is full, the cabinet is abnormal,

Parcels cannot be put into the selected convenient smart cabinet, venue problems and force majeure factors. Under the 


circumstances, by the way, there will be no delay in shipping you

The package bears no responsibility.

12. For any reason, if your parcel cannot be delivered to the smart locker, by the way, the parcel will be sent back to you in

 accordance with its internal procedures, and you will be responsible for all

There are related additional costs.

13. By the way, we reserve the right to change the details of Option 3 at any time, and will send you an email or post a written 

notice 7 days before.

Version V1.0.0

Last update date: March 12, 2018